[See sub-rule (1) of rule 4] OTHER ADNIMISTRATIVE EXPENSES |
(Amount in Rs.)
Current Year |
Previous Year |
(a) Purchases |
(b) Labour and processing expenses |
(c) Cartage and Carriage Inwards |
(d) Electricity and power |
(e) Water charges |
(f) Insurance |
(g) Repairs and Maintenance |
(h) Rent, Rates and Taxes |
(i) Vehicles Running, Maintenance or Hiring charges |
(j) Postage, Telephone and Communication charges |
(k) Printing and Stationery |
(l) Travelling and Conveyance Expenses |
(m) Expenses on Seminar/ Workshops |
(n) Subscription Expenses |
(o) Expenses of fee |
(p) Auditors Remuneration/ Legal fee |
(q) Hospitality Expenses |
(r) Professional Charges |
(s) Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts/ Advances |
(t) Irrecoverable Balances written -off |
(u) Packing Charges |
(v) Freight and Forwarding Expenses |
(w) Distribution Expenses |
(x) Advertisement and Publicity |
(y) Others (to be specified) |