Form of the Annual Report


[see rule 3]


(A) Chairperson ’s statement:


(B) The year in review:


(C) A true and full account of policies, programmes and activities of the Board in respect of-

(i) Service Providers, namely, Insolvency Professionals, Insolvency Professional Agencies, and Information Utilities:


(ii) Transactions, namely, Corporate Insolvency Resolution, Corporate Liquidation, Individual Insolvency Resolution and Individual Bankruptcy:


(iii) Advocacy and Awareness:


(iv) Research:


(D) A review of the quasi-legislative, executive and quasi-judicial functions of the Board:


(E) An analysis of outcomes in terms of transactions and transactional efficiencies:


(F) Summary data – time series or cross section – as may be relevant and available, about the outcomes that may facilitate appreciation of the working of the Code and the Board and promote research:


(G) Impact of the Code on credit market, resource recycling and the economy:


(H) An assessment of the effectiveness and the efficiency of the Board in terms of its objectives and mandate keeping in view its resources, duties and powers:


(I) An assessment of performance of the Governing Board and its vision, policies and programmes for the following year:


(J) A summary of financial performance of the Board;


(K) A statement of non-compliance, if any, with statutory obligations by the Board and the reason for the same;


(L) Organisational Matters, including Human Resources, Finance and Accounts, Audit Committee, Right to Information and Transparency:


(M) Such other details as would enable the stakeholders to review and appreciate the performance of the Board:]



