181 Short title and commencement. |
182 Definitions. |
183 Declaration of undisclosed income. |
184 Charge of tax and surchage |
185 Penalty |
186 Manner of declaration. |
187 Time for payment of tax |
188 Undisclosed income declared not to be included in total income |
189 Undisclosed income declared not to affect finality of completed assessments |
190 Undisclosed income declared not to be treated as benami transaction in certain cases |
191 Tax in respect of voluntarily disclosed income not refundable |
192 Declaration not admissible in evidence against declarant |
193 Declaration by misrepresentation of facts to be void |
194 Exemption from wealthtax in respect of assets spefified in declaration |
195 Applicability of certain provisions of Income-tax Act and of Chapter V of Wealthtax Act |
196 Scheme not to apply to certain persons. |
197 Removal of doubts |
198 Power to remove difficulties |
199 Power to make rules |